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Do You Have Gas?

October 21, 2019 0

When it comes to getting replacement windows in Brampton, ON, you might not expect a question like, “Do you have gas?” Chances are, however, that you do indeed have gas…between the panes of glass that make up your window units. Double pane and even triple pane windows can include special kinds of gasses that greatly enhance thermal performance.

Here are some things you might not know – but which you should know – about gas…inert gas.

Can’t See, Smell, or Feel it

For all the benefits that inert gasses provide, they can’t be handled, poked, and probed the way that many other things can. The reason for this is that they are clear, odourless, and non-toxic.

There are Two Types

There are two types of inert gas — the first one is called argon; the second one is called krypton. Of the two, krypton costs the most to produce and offers better thermal performance than you’ll get from argon gas. It is possible to combine the two gas types — which means you can benefit from the cheaper cost of argon and the higher thermal performance of krypton. One thing’s for certain – either of these gasses is better between the panes of glass than is air.

Argon and Krypton are Better than Air

Yes, it’s worth repeating it again. Argon and krypton are superior to air when it comes to filling the space between your panes of glass. It used to be the case the air or flushed hydrogen were used to fill the space between panes of glass. But argon and krypton are pretty much the gold standard these days.

Two is Sometimes Equal to Three

A double pane window with a gas fill can boost the insulating performance to match the insulating performance of a triple pane window that does not have a gas fill. This should give you an idea of how a gas fill can really move the needle in terms of thermal performance. Of course, a triple pane window with a gas fill will perform better than a double pane window with a gas fill.

Better Thermal Performance

Argon and krypton gasses are ideal since they lessen heat transfer through the window, which means they offer superior thermal performance compared to, say, air. It’s one of the things you need to consider if you want energy-efficient windows.

As it relates to replacement windows in Brampton, ON, you definitely want to have gas. You can learn more about argon and krypton – and about how they will benefit you – by giving us a call at Brock Doors and Windows Ltd. You can call our Brampton location at (905) 791-2850. You can also stop by our office at 278 Orenda Road Brampton, ON L6T 4X6. Our professional sales staff will be on hand to assist, whether you call or visit. We know windows inside and out, so you can ask anything. We have the answers. Guaranteed. You’ll get the answers you need to make an informed buying decision. Get the windows you need at a price you can afford. Get in touch today!

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